OSA : OS_Stimer_Found

bool OS_Stimer_Found ()

Not allowed in interruptService uses system timer

Check if there is at least one unused static timer.

Number of static timers OS_STIMERS (1..32) must be specified in OSAcfg.h. Size of static timers is set by OS_STIMER_SIZE constant

Constant OS_STIMERS_ENABLE_ALLOCATION should be defined in OSAcfg.h

Call allowed:

Not in interrupt




false there are no free static timers
true there is at least one free static timer


void Task (void)
    static unsigned char stimer_id;
    for (;;) {
        OS_Wait(OS_Stimer_Found());    // Wait for free timer
        OS_Stimer_Alloc(stimer_id);    // Allocate it for use
        OS_Stimer_Run(stimer_id, 100); // Now we use static timer through variable
        do {
           // ...
        } while (!OS_Stimer_Check(stimer_id));
        OS_Stimer_Free(stimer_id);    // Make timer free

See also